The Kennedys – After Camelot – The Real Kennedy Story
Patrick Kennedy

Massachusetts 1850 Naturalization Papers
JFK’s great-great grandfather Patrick Kennedy was born in County Wexford, Ireland and immigrated to Boston, Massachusetts, petitioning to become a United States citizen in 1850.
Document provided by Ancestry

1860 U.S. Census
After the death of JFK’s great-great grandfather Patrick Kennedy, his widowed wife Bridget was left unemployed with 6 mouths to feed, including a 2 month-old son also named Patrick, and a personal estate value of just $75. (Lines 34-40)
Document provided by Ancestry

1920 U.S. Census
Despite his humble roots, JFK’s grandfather Patrick Kennedy goes on to become a president of a bank at age 62. (Line 48)
Document provided by Ancestry
Michel Bouvier

Naturalization Record of 1825 in Montgomery, Pennsylvania
In 1815, Jackie’s great-great grandfather Michel Bouvier emigrated from Bordeaux, France to New York with the intention to settle in Philadelphia.
Document provided by Ancestry

Card File of American Craftspeople, 1600-1995
Jackie’s great-great grandfather Michel Bouvier was a cabinetmaker by trade and built a manufacturing empire, operating at multiple locations throughout Philadelphia during the course of his life.
Document provided by Ancestry

1865 U.S. Tax Assessment
In 1865, Jackie’s great-great grandfather Michel Bouvier’s estate included the family’s house at 1240 North Broad Street in Philadelphia, reported income of $9,138, 2 carriages, 2 gold watches, 2 pianos and a silver flute. (Lines 32-38)
Source: National Archives and Records Administration
Document provided by Ancestry